Dedicated to assisting Medical Examiner & Coroner's offices across the USA
A group of over 90 consultants consisting of board certified Forensic Pathologists, Medicolegal Death Investigators, Pathologists' Assistants, Autopsy Technicians, & Transcriptionists dedicated to improving the Forensic field. As of 2024, we've worked with almost 40 ME/C offices across the USA.
Our goal is to create simpler ways for Forensic professionals to practice what they are most passionate about, without being restricted by geographical location, compensation, or arduous contractual processes. Over the past few years we've perfected the art of 'making work simple', by taking on the tasks you've typically become burdened with, allowing you to focus on doing great work and enjoying more time to yourself.
Giovanni Trilleras is the founder of FPS and has actively managed the group since early 2018. A Boston College trained Nurse Practitioner and a traveler at heart, he spent several years voyaging the country & world after graduating. Upon his return, Giovanni focused his talents in healthcare organizations, dedicating himself to providing relief to hospitals & clinics affected by the Physician shortage. His first client was a Medical Examiner's Office in Florida, & shortly thereafter Giovanni fell in love with the world of Forensics. Giovanni & the FPS team are committed to the Forensics community by providing a full consultative & concierge service, streamlining assistance in the avenues asked of him from both providers and offices alike.

Chief Operations Officer
Dr. Samuel Ayala is a healthcare executive with 12+ years in patient care and business operations. While earning his medical degree from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara & after practicing in large hospitals & rural clinics, he saw the need for proficient Physician administrators. Sam has since dedicated his career to healthcare administrations by implementing policies affecting patient care & business success. Joining FPS has given Sam the ability to consult with offices and providers who are looking for new ways to improve the Forensic community, at the local & national levels. In his free time, you can find him spending time outdoors with his wife of 14 years, his three rambunctious boys, or his three dogs.

Financial Officer
Alex Wasserman provides over a decade of experience in business management & finance. He takes pride in not being your 'typical finance guy' by bringing along a wonderful blend of personality, professionalism, brainstorming, problem solving, helpfulness, dedication, and analytical thinking skills. Having a desire to combine his creative & analytical sides, he double majored in Math, Graphic Design, & also minored in Computer Applications while at the State University of New York College @ Cortland. After moving to Las Vegas in 2006 with only a suitcase of clothes and his computer, Alex quickly grew to love the city. Since then, he has built a family, and plans to stay in Vegas for the foreseeable future. Combining his experiences in management and finance, many consider Alex to be a 'Jack of all trades, and a master at some.'

FPS has worked with +40 offices in 20 different states across the USA for a number of reasons. Typically, our clients fall into either of the situations below.

Whether by a Coroner or ME system, having Forensic specialists is instrumental to the success of your office. Fully staffed offices look to provide breaks for their employees to avoid burn out, bringing in certified/experienced professionals on a rotating schedule. Other offices, struggling with staffing for one reason or another, will reach out to get immediate help with performing cases/finishing reports.

Many offices are searching for new & innovative methods to decrease the effects of the FP shortage, or increase funding to match the growing market. FPS can provide concrete guidance & coaching to keep your office moving forwards, based on your goals for the future.
Have questions about how FPS would help you / your office? Feel free to send us a message and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
(702) 608-5375